The biggest moro-moro these days is happening not in Mindanao but in the Philippine senate. Everyone in those hearings, senators and military/civilian officials alike, is pretending he/she didn't see that Pnoy is the biggest culprit in the Mamasapano debacle - the big elephant in the room.
It reminds me of one of my favorite children's stories of all time - "The Emperor's New Clothes" written by Hans Christian Andersen. In the story, the emperor's "new clothes" are supposed to be invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. So when the Emperor walks before his subjects in his "new clothes", not one dares to say that he didn't see any clothes at all until a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all", breaking the illusion.
All of them are pretending they didn't see the inconsistencies of the president's statements. They pretended that he did not break the rules even if he consciously violated the chain of command by appointing Purisima, the suspended PNP chief, to run the covert operation and excluded the rightful officials for the op, Espina and Roxas. These two officials were not even invited to the January 9th meeting in Malacanang. Worse, some even pretended that there's no chain of command in the PNP to break. They covered up for the president by saying Pnoy did tell Napenas to coordinate with the AFP. How can Napenas coordinate when the operation approved by Pnoy is supposed to be "time on target"? It's so covert and "timed on target" that they did not inform the AFP and both Espina and Roxas until the operation was already under way. Drilon established the fact with his questions that "time on target" and coordination (with the AFP) are just not compatible.
But I think the biggest illusion is the one the Filipino people hold for five years pretending all this time that Pnoy is a NORMAL, SANE person who became president of the Philippines. I'm one of those who pretended and refused to admit that the son of two of the heroes of our time is so different from his parents. Many times the child who cries "But he isn't wearing anything at all" was just ignored and the illusion kept:
When Pnoy was seen weirdly smiling in the midst of a bungled rescue operation to save those HK tourists in Luneta and then later stubbornly refusing to apologize to the people of HK, we pretended.
When he, once again, refused to apologize to another people - this time the people of Taiwan - for the unjust death of a Taiwanese fisherman in the hands of our trigger-happy coast guards, we pretended.
When he went partying the night away with his palace guards instead of visiting the thousands of victims of the deadly typhoon "Sendong" in CDO and Iligan City, we pretended.
When he coldly scolded a businessman in Leyte who expressed his concerns with "Buhay ka pa naman, di ba?" in the aftermath of supertyphoon "Yolanda" and weirdly insisting to CNN's Anderson Cooper that the number of casualties could not possibly exceed two thousand when it's so obvious it will be much more than that, we pretended.
When the Mamasapano debacle happened and Pnoy continued to manifest weird behavior - like flying back to Malacanang and staying eerily quiet for three full days while the whole country was waiting a word from him to tell them what happened, avoided the arrival honors for the fallen SAF 44 by attending instead a car plant inauguration, even coming late for the necrological service the next day, scolding, once again, the widows who asked pointed questions with “Ano’ng gusto nyo, kunan namin ng fingerprints ang lahat ng MILF?", I sure hope that's the last child's cry that will finally break the illusion because the Filipinos cannot continue to pretend that they are NOT being led by someone who is, at the very least, a narcissist, quite possibly a sociopath. Que horror!
At this juncture in the country's unfolding history, there's nothing Malacanang's spin doctors can say that will cover up the President’s complete "lack of empathy, narcissism, intolerance of criticism, and compulsive lying that are characteristics usually attributed to sociopaths." The emperor is finally revealed as having no clothes and unfit to lead his empire. God bless the Philippines!